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Meuble El Chark- Behind Every Chair, is a story to tell

Meuble El Chark Video Script

Note: This High Production Video ad was held due to the unfortunate loss of Ahmed Helmy, CEO of Meuble El Chark

About Meuble El Chark: this is the famous "مصنع الكراسي" the oldest furniture manufactuer in egypt


  1. Create and send out an

    emotional marketing message.

    "We are more than a chair factory"

  2. Create strong and emotional bond with people.

  3. Strengthen Brand image.

Creative Concept:

Every chair we make was a part of your journey, had an exceptional story with you, a story worth telling.

Therefore in this campaign, we will tell different stories of our chairs and YOU.

Slogan: "Behind Every Chair, is a story to tell"

Video Script:

Project Gallery

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